Township in Columbiana County Ohio

Reporting a Streetlight Outage in Hanover Township Ohio

Hanover Township Streetlight Outage

Here are the best ways to report a streetlight outage:

1. Call us at 1-888-LIGHTSS (1-888-544-4877) and say "streetlight'' after the greeting.

2. Visit and then click on the "Our Electric Companies" drop-down box at the top of the page. After selecting the proper company, go to " report lighting problem" under the Outages category.

When reporting an outage, let us know:

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Reporting a Streetlight Outage in Hanover Township Ohio Reporting a Streetlight Outage in Hanover Township Ohio

Township Meetings

TIME: 8:00 PM
1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month

Township Hall

29309 SR 30
Hanoverton, Ohio 44423

Hanover Township

Hanover Township is one of the eighteen townships of Columbiana County, Ohio, United States. The 2010 census reported 3,704 people living in the township, 3,296 of whom were in the unincorporated portions of the township. Hanover Township is home to the United Local School District campus.

Hanover Township logo

Contact Hanover Township

29309 State Route 30
Hanoverton, OH 44423

(330) 223-1807

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