Best ways to report a streetlight outage
Streetlights are important to keep Hanover Township safe. The light on the telephone poles improves driving conditions and helps to provide a safe environment at night. With the help of the community, we can keep our streets lit in the evenings. If you notice a damaged pole; broken light fixture; light is off at night, on during the day, or the bulb flickers use the following options to report it.
Thank you for keeping an eye on the Hanover Township.
Here are the best ways to report a streetlight outage:
1. Call us at 1-888-LIGHTSS (1-888-544-4877) and say "streetlight'' after the greeting.
2. Visit and then click on the "Our Electric Companies" drop-down box at the top of the page. After selecting the proper company, go to " report lighting problem" under the Outages category.
When reporting an outage, let us know:
- Your name and phone number (in case we need more information).
- Address where the streetlight is located (nearest house or business address and the nearest cross street).
- The Number on the utility pole.
- What is wrong with the streetlight (damaged pole; broken light fixture; light is off at night, on during the day, or flickers).