Township in Columbiana County Ohio

Hanover Township is a member of NOPEC’s electric & gas programs

NOPEC’s electric and gas aggregation programs

Hanover Township's NOPEC membership

NOPEC membership

Hanover Township is a member of NOPEC’s electric and natural gas aggregation programs.

As a nonprofit group of 240 Ohio communities, NOPEC negotiates lower utility rates. In fact, over the past 20 years, NOPEC has saved Ohio consumers hundreds of millions of dollars on their energy costs.

Community Benefits

NOPEC also provides member communities with energy-saving grants, low-interest rate financing for energy-efficiency projects, and community outreach programs to help residents learn how to save even more.

Additional NOPEC Information

For more information about NOPEC, go to

NOPEC Customer Care Center: 855-667-3201

The current energy markets are experiencing unprecedented price volatility. As your community's trusted energy aggregator, NOPEC is not immune to these current market conditions and is working hard to try and protect residents and small businesses from dramatic price spikes and unfair rates and fees. The current NOPEC electric price, however, is more than the current utility's Price to Compare (PTC). This is because the utility's rate is based off the price of energy that was purchased over 11 months ago when prices were much lower. This difference will continue until May 2023 when the utility's price is expected to adjust to the current market and will likely increase. Until then, residents who are dissatisfied with NOPEC's current electric pricing can call the NOPEC Customer Care Center at 855-667-3201 and ask specifically to be dropped to the utility's default service at no charge. These customers will then be eligible to rejoin NOPEC's aggregation when the markets normalize.

Natural gas rates are also increasing, however, NOPEC's current price is still 12% LESS than Dominion's and 28% LESS than Columbia's Standard Choice Offer (SCO) rates.

Despite these troubling times, the energy markets will stabilize. In the meantime, we have received reports that some nefarious energy suppliers are using this uncertainty to their own advantage. Please be wary of offers that sound too good to be true. Most are deceptive and have costly consequences. Never share your utility bill or account information with anyone that contacts you unprompted and carefully review all fine print before signing any contracts.

As an extra precaution against high utility bills, NOPEC continues to closely monitor current energy-related regulations and legislation to strongly advocate against unfair passthrough charges and rate hikes. We also offer many helpful, simple energy-saving tips on our website to help you manage your usage (

For more information, please contact NOPEC's Customer Care Center at 855-667-3201. Our team is there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to take your call.

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Hanover Township is a member of NOPEC’s electric & gas programs Hanover Township is a member of NOPEC’s electric & gas programs

Township Meetings

TIME: 8:00 PM
1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month

Township Hall

29309 SR 30
Hanoverton, Ohio 44423

Hanover Township

Hanover Township is one of the eighteen townships of Columbiana County, Ohio, United States. The 2010 census reported 3,704 people living in the township, 3,296 of whom were in the unincorporated portions of the township. Hanover Township is home to the United Local School District campus.

Hanover Township logo

Contact Hanover Township

29309 State Route 30
Hanoverton, OH 44423

(330) 223-1807

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